2-3 year old Programs

We offer 1, 2, 3, and 4-day program options. Our classes provide play-based environments designed to get students ready for school. Each class has 12-16 students and two teachers, focusing on classroom activities that encourage creativity, independence, and relationship building.


Our Red Robin, Blue Bird, & Brown Bear classrooms

Daily Schedule

Most classes, except on special days, typically include:

  • Free Play: Various activities focusing on creativity and imagination, like arts, science experiments, woodworking, block building, and cooking

  • Snack Time: A chance for kids to try new foods while cooking with the assistant teacher, involving tasks like pouring, stirring, chopping, and measuring.

  • Group Activities: Children gather to look at books, listen to stories, sing, dance, and participate in finger play

  • Outdoor Play: In all weather, kids play outside, engaging in climbing, running, sledding, or playing in the sand or snow.

  • Indoor Activities: When outside play isn't possible, kids use the church's social hall for games, dance, and other large motor activities.

  • Lunch: A chance to engage socially with their peers over food, while enjoying the lunch packed by their caregivers.

  • 8:30 am - 9:30 am

    The Early Birds teacher will walk the children to class at 9:30 am

  • For children 3 and up

    Supervised free play time with a limited number of spots offered Monday through Friday.

  • $30 per morning per month.

Early Birds

  • 12:45 pm - 3:00 pm

    Following the end of the school day at 12:45, students are walked to the Late Bugs classroom.

  • For children 3 and up

    Supervised free play and one snack time build into the afternoon. Children play both outside and inside during this time. There are a limited number of spots daily. This program is offered Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday afternoons. Days may change based on desired participation.

  • $60 per afternoon per month.

Late Bugs

Teaching Team

Pricing Information

  • Brown Bears - Wednesdays only

    • $190 per month

  • Red Robins - Monday and Friday

    • $300 per month for 3-year-old

  • Blue Birds - Tuesday and Thursday

    • $300 per month for 3-year-old

  • Green Gators - Tuesday and Thursday

    • $300 per month

  • Yellow Jackets - Monday, Wednesday, Friday

    • $450 per month